The BTech Conference came & went ...
Our superstar presenters - Siya & Amy … and finally, Saturday the 23rd of October 2010 arrived. A day that marked another milestone in the history of the department. Once again, the department delivered another very powerful message to the CPUT community - the significance of a used bookstore. A very well researched paper which was informed by the BTech students’ keenness to alleviate the plights of most students of this ivory tower. Their finding was that more than 3/4 of the students in CPUT deal badly with finance. This is for a plethora of reasons. Many of the students come from indigent homes; feeding is quite an issue not to mention buying/owning text books. Again, the collection in the library does not make room for more than a few copies of prescribed textbooks, thus creating a state where the student has to wait in a queue to get the prescribed text. When this happens, the student is the forced to either xerox online materials without acknowledging their ...