
Showing posts from January, 2012

Blessed 2012 Greetings to You

2012 Greetings to you. And welcome back to what promises to be an amazing year for our sweet department. We are truly excited about the department’s agenda for the year 2012. Please share in our excitement as I disclose some of the reasons for the warmth that we feel; much of which flows from 2011 circumstances. Firstly, our department is back to us! We are now looking after ourselves (and no longer an adjunct of another department) much thanks to the glorious thought of Prof Shakes Binza. And Mrs Raja-Yusuf accepts the offer to be our HoD!. Secondly, majority of the Dean’s awards were swept off by our students! Yes, our students! Check the blog for Our Shining Stars Receive Awards from the University for more on that story. Thirdly, our first guest lecture series kicked off with a bang. A very well attended event, Dr Ruben Richards (the guest lecturer) impressed upon the audience that without industrial development, there would certainly be no economic growth. He went on to say that ...