An Entrepreneurship Opportunity you SHOULD NOT MISS!

Y-AGE. Building Entrepreneurs. Creating Jobs.

Y-AGE is now a fully-fledged and supported Public-Private partnership initiative.
The project aims to recruit 100 000 young people in Gauteng to be trained, mentored, funded and assisted to run their own businesses.
The entrepreneurs will then return to their various businesses where they will each endeavour to employ 3 to 5 people.
With the growth of each business, the goal of creating 1 million jobs will be realised. Imagine how the lives connected to those 100 000 entrepreneurs can change.
This project can change the face of our province, and eradicate a host of social problems.
Ten steps towards a million jobs The programme is made up of ten steps. Each step is carefully considered and will be led by dedicated staff. These ten steps are the key to unlocking our big goal of a million jobs by 2012.

The entrepreneurs that will be eligible to apply must fall within one of the following catagories:

  • People with existing businesses, however no funding.
  • People with a business idea that hasn’t been formalized onto running a business yet.
  • People with inventions that need to be funded.
  • Business that have not succeeded as a result of a lack of funds or any other entrepreneurial / small business challenge.

Start the process - join the Y-Age Community… Click or copy and paste in your browser or


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